Clarissa & Christopher Home Page Banner

Clarissa & Christopher

Friday, September Sixth, Two Thousand Twenty-Four • Los Angeles, CA

Clarissa & Christopher

Friday, September Sixth, Two Thousand Twenty-Four • Los Angeles, CA


Clarissa & Christopher Home Page Banner
September 6, 2024
Los Angeles

Wedding Reception

Friday, September Sixth, Two Thousand Twenty-Four at Five O'Clock In The Evening
Los Angeles River Center and Gardens
570 West Avenue 26, Los Angeles, California, 90065, United States
Please join us for our wedding reception at the Los Angeles River Center and Gardens. We are getting married in an intimate church ceremony with our immediate family a few weeks before our reception. We can’t wait to celebrate this new chapter in our life with all of you at our wedding reception on September 6th in Los Angeles. – Acompáñenos a celebrar nuestro matrimonio en una recepción en Los Angeles River Center and Gardens. Nos casaremos en una ceremonia íntima con nuestra familia inmediata unas semanas antes de la recepción. Estamos contentos de poder celebrar este nuevo capítulo de nuestra vida con ustedes en nuestra boda el 6 de septiembre en Los Angeles.